Vol. 9, Issue 2, 2021November 01, 2021 AEST
The Freedom of Virtue: Navigating Excellence in the Art of Living Amongst a World of Instant Gratification (2019) by Tom Edwards and Cosimo Chiera. Samford Valley, QLD: Australian Academic Press Group Pty. ISBN: 9781925644142 (pbk).
The Freedom of Virtue: Navigating Excellence in the Art of Living Amongst a World of Instant Gratification (2019) by Tom Edwards and Cosimo Chiera. Samford Valley, QLD: Australian Academic Press Group Pty. ISBN: 9781925644142 (pbk).
Reimer, K. (2021). The Freedom of Virtue: Navigating Excellence in the Art of Living Amongst a World of Instant Gratification (2019) by Tom Edwards and Cosimo Chiera. Samford Valley, QLD: Australian Academic Press Group Pty. ISBN: 9781925644142 (pbk). Psychotherapy and Counselling Journal of Australia, 9(2). https://doi.org/10.59158/001c.71221